RPW Column: Junior Slingshot Racer Brock Pinkerous Packing A Punch For The 2020 Racing Season

RPW Column By: JENNIE BROWN / RPW – JOHNSTOWN, NY – Last weekend I got to attend the Glen Ridge banquet as a race wife, but also trying to get some material to write about. Sitting at the table in front of me was ten year old Brock Pinkerous who clenched the Jr. Slingshot championship at Glen Ridge this year.
Pinkerous was fun to watch at the track this year since he carries himself better than some modified drivers I have watched, but even more fun to watch accepting his awards which included a trophy about the size of him.
Don’t let the size or age fool you. Brock has one goal for 2020 and that is to win. When I sat down to talk to him about his past season and what he has in store for this year, most of his answers were “winning”.
Thanks to his team: Dad (Paul), Mom (Jen) and sister, Hailey, Brock has great equipment and great support to pull off his goal to win. Going into the season, the Jr. Slingshot contender is sponsored by his family’s company, NPS (Northeast Paving & Sealcoat), Deckleman Trucking, Leo’s Landscaping and Gillespie Enterprises.
A motivated Brock will contend at Glen Ridge Motorsports Park again in 2020 as well as Afton, Hamlin, Albany Saratoga, some tour races and the year end race at Linda’s where Brock pulled off a third place finish last year.
In addition to being a racecar driver, the fourth grader also wrestles, plays football, snowmobiles and snowboards. He told me school is more important than racing, not an answer you would get from most ten year old racecar drivers. He handles all of his activities, does well in school and participates in other sports.
The NPS Jr. Slingshot driver got his start at 6 and won his first race at 7 which he told me was “super exciting.” His favorite thing to do is win and honestly, who can blame him? Eventually he would like to graduate to super late models.
Brock Pinkerous is a great example of a well rounded kid involved in racing. This group of Jr. slingshot drivers could be the drivers we are watching in ten years at Eastern States or in the NASCAR truck races. His advice to other kids that want to get involved – do good in school, listen to your parents, always try your hardest and don’t quit.
Best of luck in 2020, Brock. Hopefully we can write about another track championship at the end of the year.