RPW Column: Louden Reimert Ready For Full Assault In 2020 At Big Diamond Speedway

RPW Column By: BRAD KEITSOCK / RPW – OLEY, PA – It’s probably safe to say dirt track racing is in Louden Reimert’s blood.
The 18-year-old Oley Pa. racer has been around racing his entire life.
Reimert’s grandfather Terry, and his father Shawn, both raced modifieds for many years, mostly on the local modified tracks in Pennsylvania, with the Reimert name experiencing much success during that time.
So at the ripe old age of 5 it was Louden’s time to get behind the wheel of a quarter midget and start his racing career and keep the Reimert name going in racing.
After Reimert raced his way through the different divisions and ranks over the years, time came at the age of 15 for him to strap himself into a full size modified in the sportsman division at the local Pennsylvania modified tracks.
And as usual in his young racing career success for Reimert wasn’t far behind.
Reimert soon became one of the top sportsman modified racers in the area.
After 2-years of successful sportsman modified racing, the time came for Reimert to make the move to the headline 358 modified division in 2019.
Enter Nazareth Pa’s successful businessman and long time modified car owner Doug Flurer to the Reimert family racing scene.
Flurer’s past history has seen many of the top talents in the region race his #16 modified cars and win with them. And now he is supporting Reimert and is the car owner for one of modified’s youngest and brightest talents in the area today.
Coming on to the Big Diamond Speedway scene last year about half way through the season Reimert immediately impressed and turned heads at the speedway. With the speed and his strong finishes, Reimert proved he would be a contender every time his race team pulled through the Big Diamond Speedway gates.
Reimert mentioned, “We had a really good first year in the modifieds overall. I’m excited to be running Big Diamond full time for the first time this year.”
“We had a few really good finishes wherever we raced last year and I’m hoping to improve in 2020 and get my first win sometime soon” Reimert explained.
Reimert also offered, “I was really impressed at the improvements Big Diamond made to their track last year and I really enjoyed racing on the new surface. I’m looking forward to the new season at the place.”
So when the green flag waves opening night April 10th at the Big Diamond Speedway, Reimert and his Doug Flurer owned #16 Bicknell modified with a Pat Morrison power plant under the hood, will be ready to try and get Reimert to Big Diamond Speedway’s victory lane for the very first time, and start to make his own place in the speedways history books.
Louden Reimert, remember the name, because he’s definitely one of the sports stars of the future, you’ll be hearing about him for years to come.