Is It Too Early To Start Thinking About The ’22 Chili Bowl? Ticket Orders Begin March 3rd

Story By: BRYAN HULBERT / CHILI BOWL – TULSA, OK – That time of year has almost arrived.
Starting Wednesday, March 3, 2021, tickets for the 2022 Lucas Oil Chili Bowl Nationals presented by General Tire will go on sale. As always, renewals and new orders will begin at the same time with the deadline to submit an order set for Wednesday, May 12, 2021.
Please note, that all ticket holders must renew. Deferment of your 2021 tickets was not an automatic renewal. If you do not renew before the deadline, you will lose your seats.
The 36th edition of the Lucas Oil Chili Bowl Nationals presented by General Tire takes place January 10-15, 2022. Reserved Seats will continue to be sold in six, five, and four-day packages will prices unchanged from the previous event. Four-day tickets are $227, five-day tickets are $282, and tickets for the full event at $337, plus tax (8.517%) and shipping, which is $7 for orders up to 15 tickets and $10 from 16 ticket orders and up.
Domestic orders, not held in Will Call, will be sent via USPS Certified Mail to ensure each order sent will require a signature. All international orders will be kept in Will Call.
The offices of the Chili Bowl Nationals are open Monday-Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (CT). Again, all new orders, as well as renewals, begin at the same time.
Current ticket holders will be sent a renewal form. If ordering with the renewal form, those can be returned to 1140 S. 83rd East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112 or by fax to (918) 836-5517. Tickets can be purchased with Visa. MasterCard, Cash, Check, or Money Order. Orders will not be taken via email or social media.
All orders are processed by hand. All renewals are processed first, then changes to those accounts, then new orders will be done in the order they were received until all tickets are sold. If a Reserved Seat ticket cannot be acquired, Pit Passes will be on sale at the event and never sell out. The Pit Pass doubles as a General Admission pass and allows fans access to the back straightaway on a first-come, first-served basis. Pit Passes are not sold in advance.
Times and other event information will be published as the event draws closer.