Selinsgrove Speedway Season Seats Now On Sale

Story By: SHAWN BROUSE / SELINSGROVE SPEEDWAY – SELINSGROVE, PA – Season seats for all Selinsgrove Speedway events are now on sale on a first-come, first-serve basis, via the speedway office and by US Mail.
Seats may be purchased for the season in the wooden, covered grandstand, on the bleachers and on the lawn chair terrace.
Grandstand season seats are priced at $40 each while all reserved seating within the bleachers and lawn chair terrace areas are priced at $35 each. Seats are good for all 2020 one-half mile oval races.
Seats may be purchased in person at the speedway office on race days or by US Mail.
To order by mail, send check or money order, along with desired seat rows and numbers indicated, a self addressed stamped envelope and a contact phone number to: Selinsgrove Speedway, PO Box 275, Selinsgrove, PA 17870.
Please make checks or money orders payable to: Selinsgrove Speedway.
An effort will be made to accommodate all orders with like or similar seats if requested seats are not available.
A complete layout of the speedway grandstand, bleacher and lawn chair seating areas can be viewed on the “Admission” page of the speedway website at
Reserved seating areas are indicated in orange within the seating diagrams.
Seats are currently available in Grandstand Sections B, C, D and E as well as in limited quantities within the top two rows of the bleacher areas.