RPW Column: Tyler Peet Racing Venturing To Big Diamond Speedway For 2020 Season

RPW Column By: BRAD KEITSOCK / RPW – LAKE ARIEL, PA – As the saying goes “the more the merrier.”
With that saying, it has been confirmed. For the first time, Tyler Peet Racing will be calling Big Diamond Speedway home on Friday nights for the 2020 racing season.
Lake Ariel Pa’s Tyler Peet might only be 16-years-old, but it will be 10 years of racing for this youngster when the 2020 season rolls around.
And for the past three season Peet has been racing a crate sportsman modified mostly at a track in the southern tier of New York.
But for 2020 times are a changing.
When Big Diamond Speedway announced they will be adding a crate sportsman modified division to their 2020 schedule it opened the door for Peet and his family owned racing team to come and try the place out.
Although Peet has never raced at Big Diamond Speedway (attempted to once last year, was rained out) the youngster is no stranger to the place.
Peet mentioned, “I’m great friends with the Yankowski family, and they race at Big Diamond weekly and I came down with them and helped Alex (Yankowski) every Friday night last year.”
“When Big Diamond announced they were adding the crates next year I went to my parents and we talked and we decided we were coming to race at Big Diamond for next year.”
Peet has been a front runner wherever he has towed his crate sportsman modified the past few years.
He’s looking forward and is excited about racing at his new Friday night home.
“I really like Big Diamond, it looks like a great place to race at, I can’t wait to get started.”
Peet will be ready to go once the gates swing open for the new season on April 10th.
“We’ll have a brand new Hig Fab car I’ll be racing with at Big Diamond with our crate motor under the hood of our #12 race car. Have to thank my parents for making this happen for me, plus all my sponsors and the Yankowski family who help us out tremendously.”
Tyler Peet will be looking to etch his name in the Big Diamond Speedway’s record books this season for sure. And just maybe he’ll do it as the first official crate sportsman modified winner in the tracks history when opening day rolls around in April.