Ohsweken Speedway Schedule Delayed; COVID Restrictions Leave Track Management Waiting

Story By: OHSWEKEN SPEEDWAY – OHSWEKEN, ONT – Ohsweken Speedway management continues to wait for guidance from local officials to announce a start to its 2021 schedule.
“We want to go racing more than anyone,” says speedway General Manager Clinton Geoffrey. “But our first priority is abiding by the regulations laid out by Six Nations Emergency Control Group.”
With the province’s ‘stay at home’ order in effect until June 2nd the speedway remains closed. Geoffrey is confident it wouldn’t take long to get on track once restrictions are lifted.
“We can be ready to race on very short notice,” says Geoffrey. “That won’t happen without the government mandates changing or with the blessing of representatives on Six Nations.”
The lack of direction is a source of frustration for Geoffrey and track owner Glenn Styres, but the management team remains steadfast that safety is the number one concern.
“We miss our racing family,” says Styres. “We miss the race teams and the race fans, and this is not at all how we envisioned our blockbuster 25th anniversary season. What we need to remember is the pandemic is much larger than racing, and we are committed to being good citizens in our community. When we have permission from all involved entities we will be ready to kick things off in spectacular fashion.”
Details regarding further 2021 season updates or potential schedule changes will be announced as soon as information becomes available.
Ohsweken Speedway officials are asking all of our drivers, crew members, officials and fans to stay home and do your part to help stop the spread so we can all get back to racing as soon as possible.