#SmilesForDolack … Chris Dolack Releases Statement On How He’s Doing

Information By: CHRIS DOLACK – World of Outlaws Director of Marketing Chris Dolack released a statement on social media Sunday morning, letting everyone know how he’s doing after his most recent trip to the hospital.
I lay here on Sunday morning watching the sun rise out the window, still fuzzy on the details that landed me back in this hospital room, but knowing my wife, family and incredible doctors and nurses spent the better part of the week making some ridiculously courageous and quite frankly gory decisions that determined whether or not I would even be writing here this morning.
I have no recollection of last Saturday night through probably late Wednesday, and in time I’ll try to fill in the blanks just to fill that void when someone asks “Where were you on Monday?” I can at least have an answer. In the ICU with blood clots and cardiac arrest, for those keeping score at home.
I know I warned this would not be a short journey when first diagnosed with lymphoma back in August, but nobody saw the hit from this past week coming. And I have to say from what I remember it was a doozy, you don’t want to find yourself in that spot if you can avoid it.
Anyway, I mainly wanted to say thank you to Tina and my family, my kids, my sister, everybody who dropped everything again as I crashed down. And thank you for all the messages you’ve sent, it’s been very humbling to go through everything this morning for really the first time in a week. Hopefully no more scares and the treatments return to normal.
Thanks, Chris
Some Sunday morning thoughts … pic.twitter.com/Rn8dq1Zqdm
— Chris Dolack (@ChrisDolack) October 18, 2020