Northeast Racing Products Auction & Trade Show Set Postponed For Year 2020

Story By: JEREMIE CORCORAN / NORTHEAST RACING PRODUCTS – SYRACUSE, NY – The Northeast Racing Products Auction, Trade Show and Swap Meet (NRP) was set for its fourth annual event showcasing the very best vendors in all forms of motorsports. However, due to the New York State restrictions put into place on mass gatherings for the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s show will be postponed.
The Fourth Annual extravaganza will now take place in 2021, the weekend of November 19 and 20, 2021 are the dates and the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, NY is the site.
“We hung on as long as we could, but it’s really our of our hands with the New York State restrictions and also the closing of the Canadian border still,” said promoter Jeremie Corcoran, “The entire fairgrounds facility has been closed for all of 2020 which included the New York State Fair itself. We understand that aspects could change between now and the show date but in talking to our many vendors we feel this is the best move as they plan.”
Any vendors that paid or put down their downpayment and are looking for a refund can contact Jeremie Corcoran. Any company that wants to renew their spot or is interested in the 2021 NRP event can contact Jeremie at (315) 374-2839 or email You can also find info on the Facebook page by simply searching Northeast Racing Products or the website
November 19 and 20, 2021…The Northeast Racing Products Auction and Trade Show will be ready to show you a big variety of motorsports!