Woodhull Raceway Schedules Practice Date For This Coming Saturday

Story By: STEVEN OVENS / WOODHULL RACEWAY – WOODHULL, NY – The time has come for race engines to come to life in Steuben County and start to stretch their legs after a painfully long offseason.
Woodhull Raceway owners Terry and Nikki Brewer have been working tirelessly with local and state officials on Woodhull Raceway’s re-opening plan. With Phase 1 set to begin this coming weekend for the Southern Tier, Woodhull’s new ownership is ready to swing the gates open for the first time for a controlled practice on Saturday afternoon.
A controlled practice will be scheduled for Saturday May 16 with the gates opening at 2:00 and practice taking the green flag at 4:00. There will be strict guidelines in place that follow CDC recommendations for social distancing. No more than 5 people per car will be the rule on Saturday and all cars must be parked a minimum of 10 feet apart in the pit area. If additional space is needed, the general admission fan parking lots will be utilized. No personal vehicles will be allowed inside the pit gate entry point to save space.
Temperature checks will be completed as a requirement for admission to the pit area, with any entrants not passing CDC guidelines for fever being denied entry. The grandstands will be closed to the public. The pit gate will be the only point of entry to the facility, with pit admission set at $15.
“We ask that you come prepared to follow the guidelines for social distancing and abide by them,” said Nikki Brewer on Tuesday afternoon.
“If you are sick or at higher risk, please stay home. We are looking into pay per view services as a part of our re-opening plan and we will have more on that as it develops.”
More information will follow in regard to further opening the raceway for the 2020 season. This is and has been a very fluid situation and the Brewer family wishes to thank their loyal race teams, fans and sponsors for the patience and support during this uncertain time.