PA Governor Puts ‘Posse Unleashed’ On Hold; Selinsgrove Awaiting Additional Confirmation

Information From: SELINSGROVE SPEEDWAY – SELINSGROVE, PA – After the announcement of a major dirt racing event, many fans were elated and excited to finally see some dirt racing by their favorite drivers on a live stream. However excitement turned to disappointment after the speedway received a call Wednesday evening and shared it on social media.
Speedway officials received a call last evening from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) with an order to shut down this Saturday’s race, per the Office of the Governor.
PA state representatives have been working on the speedway’s behalf throughout the day in an effort to uphold the approval that was granted several days ago by the DCED to run the race, only to have the guidelines changed by the Office of the Governor yesterday.
We are awaiting the results of their efforts on whether or not the race can take place this weekend. We will announce an update as soon as possible. Thank you for standing by.
The event status was changed from yellow to red. However the speedway is hopeful that something will change shortly as there will be strict guidelines in place during this event including social distancing, limited crew members and staff.
Stay Tuned to Race Pro Weekly as we continue to update you on this story.