RPW Column: Orange County Fair Speedway Street Stock Legend Ed Petro Passes Away

RPW Column By: MIKE TRAVERSE / RPW – MIDDLETOWN, NY – Some sad news from the OCFS Street Stock division as Ed Petro has passed away.
Eddie ‘Six Pack’ was one of the front runners in the early 80’s when OCFS brought back the full fender cars. Ed was always running near the front in his very clean yellow and black #86 cars. He was very popular with his fellow competitors and with the fans. So many drivers looked up to Ed and considered him to have been a great mentor.
Petro picked up 8 total wins during his OCFS racing career. Two wins were the Expert class, five were in the Novice class and a single win when the street stocks ran as one division in the 1980-82 era.
Race Pro Weekly extends it’s sympathies and condolences to the Petro family and to his many friends in the racing community.