RPW Column: Battle Of The Bullring, King Of The Catskills & So Much More Highlight ’20 Schedule At Accord

RPW Column By: MIKE TRAVERSE / RPW – ACCORD, NY – Although current events have put on track racing and all sporting events on hold, that hasn’t stopped various organizations from finalizing their 2020 season plans.
Accord Speedway owners Donna and Gary Palmer have put the finishing touches on the speedway’s 2020 schedule and it’s filled with plenty of racing and some big events that are favorites of the speedway’s fans.
“I am very pleased with this year’s schedule,’ Gary Palmer said. “We will have the Battle of the Bullring and that is always a great event. The King of the Catskills is back on this year’s schedule and I’m very excited about the Joe G.’s Great Crate Race. And The Gobbler is a great way to end the season.”
Depending on how current events play out, there are two scheduled practice sessions on April 17 and April 24 for Accord’s racing teams which will lead into the season opener on May 1st, presented by Fast Signs. There are 5 events scheduled for May with the event on the 29th being the WRWD Salute to the Vets Night.
The month of June will have 4 events which include a 4 Cylinder Enduro on 6/19 and the Vintage Modifieds on the 6/26.
July is a very busy month for the speedway. Five regular Friday night events are scheduled including a fireworks show on 7/3 sponsored by Dan’s Towing. A chicken barbecue is also happening that night. Accord always does a fantastic job with their fireworks show, a very popular night with the fans. Other Friday night events in July include a 4 Cylinder Enduro on 7/17 and the 2nd appearance of Vintage Modifieds on 7/24.
A much anticipated event happens on Tuesday, July 14 the Short Track Super Series heads to the Ulster County oval for the Battle of the Bullring. It’s always great to see some of the top drivers in the northeast do battle with the Accord regulars. Sometimes, it can be a challenge for even the best drivers to get around the tight track. It will be another fun event at Accord. Last year, Andy Bachetti recovered from a heat race crash to take the victory.
One other special event happening in July finds the 2nd Annual Vintage Day scheduled for Saturday 7/25. ACOT and other vintage racers can take to the track that day.
August sees four Friday night racing events with being a Fonda 200 qualifier. 4 Cylinder Enduros are scheduled for 8/21 and 8/28.
September 4th will be the end of the points events with the King of the Catskills happening on September 11th,
October 5th will be the Joe G.’s Great Crate Race, sponsored by Mid Hudson Concrete. It was a fun event in 2019 with Steve Davis taking the win over Modified regular Joe Judge. Accord’s annual Halloween Havoc will be a Halloween Day event in 2020, happening on October 31st. It’s a fun event and a great one for the younger fans to enjoy. This race will be part of the annual Street Stock Shootout Series.
The Gobbler will close out the season on November 21st. It has been moved up this year to be run before Thanksgiving. The rain date will be the 28th of November. It’s always an enjoyable day to end the season. Bachetti is the defending champion of the race. This event will also be the final race in the 2020 Street Stock Shootout Series.
Accord Speedway’s website has recently been redone and it has been a major upgrade, a very fine job by all involved. If you haven’t checked it out, do so at accordspeedway.com. The complete schedule is listed there along with other information such as division rules and the various forms that teams may need.
Donna and Gary have worked hard to get organized for 2020. The water truck is upgraded for this season and that is something Gary is pleased about. They have secured sponsors for most of their events for the season, but there are a few races available. The Battle of the Bullring, The King of the Catskills and the Gobbler have sponsorship space open. Gary invites any businesses that are interested to contact the speedway at their track phone 845-626-3478 or their office phone 845-626-1142.
Friday nights at Accord Speedway are a great way to enjoy an evening. Come check out the action in the southern Catskill Mountains in 2020!!