Monster Mash At Utica-Rome Falls to Rain; Halloween Party Still On At Speedway Club

Story By: UTICA-ROME SPEEDWAY – VERNON, NY – Mother Nature’s hostility toward the Utica-Rome Speedway continued as officials have been forced to cancel this Saturday’s racing program due to impending weather. There is a significant weather system moving north up the coast with a 100% chance of precipitation on Saturday afternoon and evening.
“Another weekend, another rain-out,” said promoter Bill Shea. “I just can’t believe the weather we’ve had this year. We were really pumped about this event and were looking forward to it. It just wasn’t meant to be, but we’ll do our best to have fun as the party will go on.”
As mentioned, the weather has stopped the racing action, but the adult costume party will go on at the Utica-Rome Speedway Club. The Halloween costume party will start at 8 p.m. and run until the close.
The cover charge for the event is just five dollars which includes hors d’oeuvres. There will also drink and shot specials with a DJ taking your request all night long.