Fulton Speedway Welcomes Event & Division Title Sponsors For Outlaw 200 Weekend

Story By: DAVE MEDLER / FULTON SPEEDWAY – FULTON, NY – The Fulton Speedway would like to thank and recognize their marketing partners who are division and event sponsors for the 33rd Annual Sunoco Fulton Ethanol Facility Outlaw 200 Weekend presented by SUNY Canton on September 28-29.
Event & 33rd Annual Outlaw 200 For Modifieds Title Sponsor – SUNY Canton
SUNY Canton has been long known as one of the top schools in the State Universities of New York system of schools, and also in all of the Northeast. What SUNY Canton is, is a family atmosphere with class sizes that allow all professors and instructors to know their students on a one-to-one basis.
Everything they have to offer is too numerous to mention here so please visit www.canton.edu to see all the opportunities they have. As they say at SUNY Canton, “Great Majors, Great Careers.” As always please support those who support racing.
Sportsman Shootout 50 Title Sponsor – Industrial Tire of CNY & Syracuse Retreaders
Located at 1015 Hiawatha Blvd. E in Syracuse, NY is a family-owned and operated company founded by Dennis Beaudette over a decade ago, and will continue to be in the family name for another generation with Dennis’ two sons, DJ and Marty following their father’s footsteps. Industrial Tire of CNY, believe one of their superior assets is their dedicated and highly skilled workforce enabling them to respond quickly and efficiently to service their clients’ requirements. Their reputation relies on their swift response and local relationship to Upstate New York. “Exceed customer expectations” has been the guiding principle of their company and has proven successful and will continue to be their objective in the future.
New and Used Tires
Industrial Tire of CNY’s superior tire inventory gives our customers the opportunity to compare prices to find the right tire to fit their budget.
Goodyear© Retread Plant Now Opened
With this addition, we can eliminate your company’s costly equipment downtime by offering a quick turn-around time on retreads. Our team is highly experienced, with over 70 years in the retreading industry.
Rim Reconditioning
Industrial Tire of CNY’s rim re-conditioning facility is equipped with the IMI Wheel Refinishing System to recondition steel wheels and polish aluminum wheels to a mirror finish.
To see all the services, they have to offer and hours of operation please visit www.industrialtirecny.com
NLMA Late Model 50 Title Sponsor – Pit Stop Convenience Stores
In 1984 the first Pit Stop opened in Weedsport, New York. Since then 15 more stores have sprung up throughout the Central New York area. They strive to be the home-town convenience store in the communities they serve. As their name implies they offer quick efficient service for their on-the-go customers.
“We Are Proud To Be The Faces Of The Community. We Value Teamwork And Are Dedicated To Providing A Personalized Customer Experience. We Make A Difference!”
To see all they have to offer and for the locations of their stores go to www.pitstopc-stores.com.
Novice Sportsman Championship Title Sponsor – E&V Energy
E & V Energy is a family owned and operated business that has been serving their friends and neighbors since 1913. Their years of experience give them the knowledgeable personalized service few companies can match. They’re a full-service company, so you don’t need to look anywhere else to find the services and products you need to keep your home comfortable year after year.
E & V Energy is there to help you navigate the exciting world of heating and air conditioning. That’s right, they said heating and air conditioning is EXCITING! That’s because our industry has changed dramatically since their humble beginnings. You won’t believe how comfortable your home or business can now be.
They have dedicated their company to a new way of thinking. Their goal is to provide Central New York residents and small businesses with efficient and affordable HVAC solutions. There’s a wealth of information on their website to get you started: ductless heating and cooling solutions, energy efficient furnaces, boilers and air conditioners, fuel oil or propane delivery options, generators.
E&V Energy has locations in Auburn, NY, Geneva, NY, Cortland, NY, Hamilton, NY, Ithaca, NY, Wolcott, NY, Fulton, NY, and Watertown, NY.
To see all the services, they provide visit www.eandvenergy.com.
4-Cylinder Open Title Sponsor – JB Logging & Firewood
JB Logging & Firewood is a logging company located in Fulton. NY that offers full tree services. Their friendly staff is always ready to provide you with the quality service you deserve throughout Central, NY.
More About JB Logging & Firewood and the services they offer:
Full tree service
Stump grinding
Land clearing
Snow plowing and removal
They are Better Business Bureau accredited
To learn more about JB Logging & Firewood visit www.jbloggingandfirewood.com. Or call (315) 532-3466.
Mod Lite Outlaw Championship Title Sponsor – Dig Safely New York
Dig Safely New York, Inc. is the one-call center serving as a link between you and the underground utility operators.
Established in 1969, Dig Safely New York promotes an easier, safer digging environment, and serves the entire state of New York outside of Long Island and New York City, which is covered by New York City One-Call.
Headquartered in East Syracuse, NY, our Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) in our East Syracuse and Latham, NY, call centers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to receive calls regarding planned excavations. CSRs then distribute the information from these calls to, on average, six facility owners/operators.
Excavators, contractors, design engineers, and home/property owners can place a location request by calling us toll free at 811 or 1-800-962-7962, or by using our online location request programs: i-notice and Single Address Ticket.
Our Mission
The mission of Dig Safely New York is to prevent damages to underground facilities and protect the public through education and quality communication with excavators, underground facility operators, and designers in an efficient, courteous, and cost-effective manner, while complying with governing regulations.
We view ourselves as partners with utility companies, excavators, communities, home and business owners, our employees, and our environment.
Education regarding safe digging practices and the importance of placing a location request by calling 811 or online, is implemented by Dig Safely New York employees. Go to www.digsafelynewyork.com to learn more about our education and training efforts.
For tickets, pit passes, camping prices, procedures, rules, weekend schedule and everything you need to know to make your 33rd Annual Outlaw 200 Weekend presented by SUNY Canton an enjoyable one go to www.fultonspeedway.com and click on the Outlaw 200 logo on the top of the page.
Any questions you might have and for marketing opportunities please contact Cory Reed (315) 593-6531 or cory@fultonspeedway.com.
33rd Annual Outlaw 200 Weekend presented by SUNY Canton
Friday, September 28: Adult General Admission $25. 18 Yrs. & Under $5. All Reserved Seats $30. Pit $35
Saturday, September 29: Adult General Admission $35. 18 Yrs. & Under $10. All Reserved Seats $40 Pit $45
Two-Day Weekend – Adult General Admission $60. 18 Yrs. & Under $15. All Reserved Seats $70. Pit $80
(Wednesday, September 26)
Camping Lot Opens for The Weekend – 5 pm.
All camping transactions are made at the track upon arrival. Camping spots are first come-first served. No reserved camping spots. For convenience camping is open 24 hrs.
(Thursday, September 27)
Ticket Sales & Will Call Open – 5pm-7pm
Early Hauler Parking – 5pm-7pm – No Haulers Allowed In The Pits Before 5 pm
(Friday, September 28)
Pit Stop Convenience Stores NLMA Late Model 50
Dig Safely New York Mod Lite Outlaw Championship
JB Logging & Firewood 4-Cylinder Open
E&V Energy Novice Sportsman Championship
15-Lap Modified Qualifiers (Winners earn 17th to 20th place starting spot in the Outlaw 200)
Industrial Tire of CNY Sportsman Shootout. Heats (8-Laps) Consolations (10-Laps)
Early Hauler Parking – 9am-2pm
Ticket Sales Open- Noon
Pit Gates Open – 3pm
Grandstands Open – 5pm
Hot Laps – 6pm
Heat Races Begin – 7pm
(Saturday, September 29)
33rd Annual SUNY Canton Outlaw 200 for Modifieds
Last Chance Qualifiers and 50-Lap Industrial Tire of CNY Sportsman Shootout
Pit Gates Open – 11am
Grandstands Open – Noon
Hot Laps – 3pm
Heat Races Begin – 4:30pm
Industrial Tire of CNY Sportsman Shootout Championship – Approx. 7:15pm
33rd Annual Outlaw 200 – Approx. 8:00pm