Brad Rouse Finally Get A Win During Fulton Speedway’s Outlaw 200 Weekend

Information By: DAVE MEDLER / FULTON SPEEDWAY – FULTON, NY – Brad Rouse finally got the monkey off his back and was able to win the Sportsman portion of the Outlaw 200 Weekend at the Fulton Speedway. He was followed across the line by Dave Marcuccilli, Shane Pecore, Zach Sobotka and Brandon Ford. Full results are posted with a story to come.
(Industrial Tire of CNY Sportsman Shootout 50) – BRAD ROUSE, Dave Marcuccilli, Shane Pecore, Zach Sobotka, Brandon Ford, Alan Fink, James Friesen, Kevin Root, Nick Krause, Jackson Gill, David Schilling, Amy Holland, Wade Chrisman, Chris Mackey, Corey Barker, Mike Stanton Jr., Brianna Ladoucer, Jeff Taylor, Martin Pelletier, Michael Wagner-Fitzgerald, Jack Meeks, Jessica Power, Kyle Keihn, Bob Henry Jr., Rick Miller, Jimmy Moyer, Adam Rozon, Kyle Fink, Matt Jaczuk, Kyle Inman, Will Shields, Tom Juno.
Industrial Tire of CNY Heat Race Bonuses – 1st – $150 – 2nd $100 -3rd – $50
Top – 2 Qualify. Winner to the redraw
(Heat 1) – Wade Chrisman, Tom Juno, Tony Finch II, Jordan Kelly, Brett Draper, Rocky Grosso, Rachel Zacharias, Brianna Ladoucer, DNS – Brandon Chretien
(Heat 2) – Shane Pecore, Kyle Fink, James Friesen, Tyler Thompson, Greg Doust, Richard Murtaugh, Frank Sobotka, Torrey Stoughtenger, Dan Kapuscinski.
Heat 3) – Kyle Inman, Nick Krause, Matt Janczuk, Joey Buonagurio, Colby Herzog, Ryan Gustin, Michelle Courcy, Keith Stevenson, Kearra Backus, DNS – Joe Gosek.
(Heat 4) – Dave Marcuccilli, David Schilling, Will Shields, Kevin Root, Mark Yorker, Joe Sobotka, Cedric Gauvreau, Brent Joy, Rich Townsend, AJ Miller.
(Heat 5) – Zach Sobotka, Jack Meeks, Josh Reome, Austin Germinio, Robert Gage, Josh Blackwell, Matt Becker, Brian Evenden, Tim Abate.
(Heat 6) – Jessica Power, Amy Holland, Chris Mackey, Corey Barker, Chris Corbett, Jimmy Moyer, Willy Decker Jr., Tim Baker, Steve Marshall, Tyler Corcoran.
(Heat 7) – Jeff Taylor, Rick Miller, Jim Spano, Jake Davis, Tyler Murray, Chuck Miller, Rick Rogala, Cody Wolfe, George Dyer, Ben Bushaw.
(Heat 8) – Brad Rouse, Alan Fink, Bob Henry, Mike Stanton Jr., Richie Riggs, Jackson Gill, Earl Rudy, Garett Rushlow, Billy Sauve, Randy Fox.
(Heat 9) – Brandon Ford, Adam Rozon, Tim Devendorf, Chris Hulsizer, Matt Steffenhagen, Rocco Leone, Dylan Zacharias, Billy Clark Jr., Bailey Groves, DNS – Charlie Tibbitts,
(heat 10) – Martin Peltier, Kyle Kiehn, Michael Wagner-Fitzgerald, Brandon Carvey, Greg Henry, Quinn Wallis, Kyle Perry, Jeff Lawrence, Dorian Wahdan.
Winner qualifies
(Consolation 1) – James Friesen, Tyler Thompson, Tony Finch II, Greg Doust, Brianna Ladoucer, AJ Miller, Torrey Stoughtenger, Frank Sobotka, Dan Kapuscinski, Rachel Zacharias, Rocky Grosso, Brett Draper, Richard Murtaugh, DNS – Brandon Chretrien, Jordan Kelly.
(Consolation 2) – Matt Janczuk, Will Shields, Keven Root, Mark Yorker, Joe Sobotka, Brent Joy, Joey Buonagurio, Cedric Gauvreau, Rich Townsend, Colby Herzog, Michelle Courcy, Keith Stevenson DNS – Joe Gosek, Kearra Backus, Ryan Gustin.
(Consolation 3) – Jimmy Moyer, Chris Mackey, Josh Reome, Corey Barker, Chris Corbett, Willy Decker Jr., Steve Marshall, Tyler Corcoran, Tim Baker, Tim Abate, Austin Germinio, Robert Gage, Josh Blackwell, Matt Becker, DNS – Brian Evenden.
(Consolation 4) – Bob Henry Jr. Mike Stanton Jr., Jim Spano, Richie Riggs, Jake Davis, Tyler Murray, Chuck Miller, Garett Rushlow, Jackson Gill, Cody Wolfe, Rick Rogala, Ben Bushaw, Billy Sauve, Randy Fox, George Dyer, DNS – Earl Rudy.
(Consolation 5) – Michael Wagner-Fitzgerald, Greg Henry, Rocco Leone, Tim Devendorf, Dylan Zacharias, Matt Steffenhagen, Kyle Perry, Dorian Wahdan, Bailey Groves, Chris Bonoffski, Chris Hulsizer, Brandon Carvey, DNS – Quinn Wallis, Billy Clark Jr., Jeff Lawrence, Charlie Tibbitts.
B-Main Winner Qualifies
(B-Main 1) – Mike Stanton Jr., Kevin Root, Corey Barker, Tyler Thompson, Brianna Ladoucer, Jake Davis, Rocco Leone, Brent Joy, Rich Townsend, Matt Steffenhagen, Frank Sobotka, Randy Fox, Jordan Kelly, Brandon Carvey, Rocky Grosso, Bailey Groves, Kearra Backus, Josh Blackwell, Steve Marshall, Tim Abate, Rick Rogala, DNS – Garett Rushlow, Joe Gosek, Jeff Lawrence.
(B-Main 2) – Will Shields, Josh Reome, Greg Doust, Dylan Zacharias, Richie Riggs, Willy Decker Jr., Cedric Gauvreau, Tim Baker, Chris Hulsizer, Joe Sobotka, Chuck Miller, Cody Wolfe, Dorian Wahdan, Richard Murtaugh, Torrey Stoughtenger, Michelle Courcy, Bill Sauve, Greg Henry, DNS – Rachel Zacharias, Robert Gage, Keith Stevenson, Billy Clark, Brian Evenden, Earl Rudy.
(B-Main 3) – Chris Mackey, Jim Spano, AJ Miller, Mark Yorker, Jackson Gill, Chris Corbett, Tyler Murray, Tyler Corcoran, Tim Devendorf, Joey Buonagurio, Danny Kapuscinski, Brett Draper, Ben Bushaw, Colby Herzog, Kyle Perry, George Dyer, Brandon Chretrien, Tony Finch II, Matt Becker, DNS – Chris Bonoffski, Austin Germinio, Ryan Gustin, Quinn Wallis, Charlie Tibbitts.
Sportsman Special Awards
Industrial Tire of CNY Heat Bonus cash – 1st-$150, 2nd-$100, 3rd-$50
Hoosier Tire to the Hard Luck Award – Kyle Inman
$50 Henry’s Exhaust Gift Certificate to each heat winner. – Wade Chrisman, Shane Pecore, Kyle Inman, Dave Marcuccilli, Zach Sobotka, Jessica Power, Jeff Taylor, Brad Rouse, Brandon Ford, Martin Pelletier.
Atomic Wrap to one randomly drawn feature starter – Adam Rozon
Winner is a guaranteed starter in the All-Star Race at Charlotte on October 26 – Brad Rouse
$50 Beyea Custom Headers Gift Certificate to third place finisher in each heat race – Tony Finch II, James Friesen, Matt Janczuk, Will Shields, Josh Reome, Chris Mackey, Jim Spano, Bob Henry Jr., Tim Devendorf, Michael Wagner-Fitzgerald.
$100 Hard Charger from Northeast Racing Products Auction & Trade Show – Nov. 16 & 17 – Kevin Root
$ 300 Beyea Custom Headers Gift Certificate to Hard Charger – Kevin Root
Drum of VP Race Fuels to hard Charger – Kevin Root