“Super CD” Coville To Be Featured Guest For Saratoga Automobile Museum’s Lost Speedways 2018

Story By: RON HEDGER / SARATOGA AUTOMOBILE MUSEUM – SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY – The all-star lineup for the Saratoga Automobile Museum’s Lost Speedways 2018 was completed this week when dirt track modified superstar C.D. Coville indicated he would be on hand to be interviewed by program organizer Ron Hedger of Speed Sport Magazine.
“When the ‘Superman’ found that he was free to attend on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, it put the program over the top,” said Hedger. “We’ll discuss his extremely successful career and find out whether all the stories and legends that abound about him are true or not.”
The program, which typically attracts a full house of enthusiasts, will open with Ken Parrotte’s look back at the AAA/USAC champ car races on the famed Syracuse mile. He will be followed by another longtime favorite, Bill Ladabouche, who will recall how crude racing was in northern Vermont in the early days compared to New York. The final presentation before intermission will feature mini-stock king Bob Hackel, talking not about his exploits but those of his father, who was both a racer and a promoter.
Following intermission, Hedger will interview 2017 Northeast Region Promoter of the Year Lyle DeVore, whose accomplishments at Albany-Saratoga have brought him to national prominence. But the topic of the day will be his start in the industry with promoters C.J. Richards and Alex Friesen, who had built an amazing network of speedways and special events when he suffered an untimely demise in a snowmobile accident. The C. D. Coville segment will then top off the outstanding program.
Attendees will once again be invited to bring memorabilia to share with the crowd, beginning at 11 am in the museum’s front gallery. Presentations will follow at 12:15.
Other details of the program will be released as the date nears, but now is the time to mark November 24, 2018, Lost Speedway’s traditional “Saturday after Thanksgiving” date, on your calendar.