Oswego Speedway Offering Mix & Match Special On Hall of Fame Legends Series T-Shirts

Story By: CAMDEN PROUD / OSWEGO SPEEDWAY – OSWEGO, NY – As part of Oswego Speedway’s Saturday ‘Super Sales’ this week, track management will offer a mix and match discount sale on the speedway’s Hall of Fame Legends series t-shirts consisting of hall of fame drivers Jim Shampine, Nolan Swift, Eddie Bellinger Jr, Steve Gioia Jr, and Joe Gosek.
Until this Saturday, December 16, you can mix and match Shampine, Swift, Bellinger, Gioia and Gosek shirts at for 2 for $25 or 3 for $30. The speedway office will be open for its winter hours of 11am to 4pm that day, with merchandise and gift certificates available.
For those unable to purchase speedway merchandise at the track, those interested in having items shipped for an extra charge can email Jenn Reebel at jreebel@oswegospeedway.com to request the shipment of any items.
Sizes for the Hall of Fame Legends series t-shirts include an inventory of S, M, L, XL, 2XL and 3XL for Swift and Gioia, YM, S, L, XL, 2XL and 3XL for Gosek, M, L, XL and 4XL for Bellinger, as well as S for Shampine.
Any further questions or concerns about merchandise can be directed to Camden Proud at cproud@oswegospeedway.com.
The list of all 2018 significant rule changes for the SBS division has been sent to team emails, with Supermodified rule changes expected to be revealed this coming weekend weekend. The full 2018 rule book will be available as a print copy as well as online following the 1st of the year.
Oswego Speedway’s 2018 schedule has been announced in full, with pricing and time schedules to be added in the near future. The speedway kicks off its 68th consecutive season of action with Open Practice on Saturday, May 19 before Opening Day takes place the following week, May 26, which will feature the Jim Shampine Memorial 75 for Supermodifieds as well as the Tony White Memorial 35 for the Small Block Supers.
Season ticket packages will be made available to fans after the new year as well, with the speedway office remaining open in the winter on Saturdays during the hours of 11am to 4pm for merchandise sales, gift certificate pick ups, and more.