Ohsweken Speedway Releases 2019 Rules Updates For All Divisions

Story By: CLAYTON JOHNS / OHSWEKEN SPEEDWAY – OHSWEKEN, ONT – Ohsweken Speedway officials are pleased to announce the following technical and procedural rules updates. The rule updates have been applied following consultation with drivers and car owners at the rules meetings held last December. Thunder Stock and Mini Stock rule updates have been applied as a result of the Ontario Dirt Competition Committee (ODCC) meetings.
A copy of the full Ohsweken Speedway rule book for each division can be found here.
360 Sprint Cars
Technical Rule Updates:
5.1 – Minimum weight is 1500 lbs. (with driver; no fuel added) after the race.
38.18 – Safety Bars Are Highly Recommended in 2019 and will be mandatory in 2020.
Procedural Rule Updates:
2 minute work area will only be used in the A Main. (No Longer in the B Main)
A Start Box/Area will be created and utilized instead of a single chalk line
Crate Sprint Cars
Technical Rule Updates:
1.9 – The use of anti-spill valves on the carburetor vent tubes and valve cover vent tubes is MANDATORY in the interest of preventing fires during a roll over.
16.1 – Minimum weight is 1600 lbs. (with driver; no fuel added) after the race.
16.6 – Any Bolted on Weight must be painted white, securely mounted, and approved by tech inspectors.
26.2 – Steel Drive Shaft Only
38.18 – Safety Bars Are Highly Recommended in 2019 and will be mandatory in 2020.
Procedure Rule Updates:
2 minute work area will only be used in the A Main. (No Longer in the B Main)
A Start Box/Area will be created and utilized instead of a single chalk line
Thunder Stocks
Technical Rule Updates:
Ohsweken Speedway has joined the Ontario Dirt Competition Committee (ODCC). The committee has been created with the intention to govern the rules for both street stock and mini stock-type race cars at five Ontario dirt tracks. All questions and comments in regards to rules should be addressed to the Ontario Dirt Competition Committee web site; https://ontariodirtcomp.com/contact/
The ODCC has agreed to a four year Rules Package for Thunder Stock Cars. Here are the updates/changes for 2019 through 2022:
8.4 – Floor must be stock or replaced with a minimum 20 gauge steel. Right side may be “tin kitted” from the center of the drive shaft tunnel and raised even with the top door bar on the passenger door. Tin Kit must be made of sheet steel minimum 20 gauge. Tin kit must remain one height from the dash back to the rear fire wall.
8.5 – Rear firewall must be completely sealed off from drivers compartment minimum 20 gauge steel must maintain approximately same angle as stock fire wall.
8.6 – Trunk floor may be removed
20.4 – Aluminum Brake Drums will NOT be allowed STEEL DRUMS ONLY STARTING 2019 No Grace Period
20.5 – Steel Single Piston Calipers Only. Must be same size piston both sides.
20.6 – OEM Style Pads Only. No Grooving or cutting beyond factory. Same pads both sides
20.7 – Aftermarket Brake Pedal Assembly will be allowed will the following Part #s
Wilwood WIL340-13834 Floor Mount Assembly
Wilwood WIL340-13834 Swing Mount Assembly
Wilwood 260-6765 Master Cylinder
One residual pressure valve allowed in the rear brake line. No other restrictor valves, control mechanisms that vary the pressure front to back or side to side.
21.17 – Ford 9” Rear Ends will NOT be allowed. Brighton has agreed to give their drivers a grace period of 2019 and they will be eliminated to match the other four tracks in 2020
32.1 – Stock Mount Non Adjustable Non rebuildable Steel Unaltered Shocks Only.
32.5 – Track Officials have the option to buy shocks for $150 from any car in competition
37.9 – Plastic Wheel Covers are allowed. NO DZUS TAB or expandable mounting bead lock covers allowed. Must be bolted on using welded tabs.
Mini Stocks
Technical Rule Updates:
Ohsweken Speedway has joined the Ontario Dirt Competition Committee (ODCC). The committee has been created with the intention to govern the rules for both street stock and mini stock-type race cars at five Ontario dirt tracks. All questions and comments in regards to rules should be addressed to the Ontario Dirt Competition Committee web site; https://ontariodirtcomp.com/contact/
The ODCC has agreed to a one year Rules Package for Mini Stock Cars. Here are the updates/changes for 2019:
2.13.1 – Engines 200 psi – 210 psi will add 100 lbs. minimum weight. Cannot exceed 210 psi. 211psi and over cannot compete. No exceptions.
5.7 – Plastic fuel cells must be encased in a steel box. (Recommended 20 guage steel)