CARtoons Magazine Joins Dirt Modified Nostalgia Tour In 2018

Story By: JEFF CIGLICH / DIRT MODIFIED NOSTALGIA TOUR – THUNDER BAY, ONT – CARtoons Magazine is back, and they are teaming up with the Dirt Modified Nostalgia Tour this season.

Originally established in 1959, CARtoons magazine focuses on automotive humor and hot rod artwork. It folded in 1991 with it’s August issue.

Enter Marc Methot who purchased the rights to the brand off of a trademark website and resurrected CARtoons Magazine in January 2016. “ When I saw it was available I knew I needed to bring it back to print” Methot explains.

“We are very excited to have CARtoons magazine as a marketing partner” adds Series Technical Director Derrick Flynn. “ CARtoons Magazine is the perfect and logical match to fulfill our mandate of elevating the professionalism and image of vintage dirt modified racing throughout our region as well as assisting CARtoons Magazine to reach their marketing objectives.”

Many of the original artists have been brought back on board by Methot including George Trosley, John Deaton and Jeff Slemons. New talent brought in includes Chuck Kelley, Ben Mitchell, Larry Williams and Mike Yapps.

The publication is available at local comic book shops and various Wal-Marts across the United States and Canada. However, old and new fans alike can subscribe to the magazine online at You can save 10% off your subscription with the Dirt Modified Nostalgia Tour promo code, cartoonsdmnt.

Methot sums up the new partnership between CARtoons Magazine and the DMNT, “CARtoons is racing and racing is CARtoons.