From Farm Girl, To Race Girl, To Police Girl, To…Pageant Girl? Who Is Carly Hendrickson?

Column By: CARLY HENDRICKSON / RPW – LAWRENCEVILLE, NJ – Hendrickson. A name in racing for 64 years. Based out of Lawrenceville, NJ, this farm girl grew up baling hay, feeding cows, building race engines, and working with my dad in his towing business.
Bright-eyed and torn pants, heading to the races every Friday and Saturday night was a weekly tradition.
Lee Hendrickson, my pappy, was the original owner of the Z07 and the Z1 and started racing at 18. He had some glorious years as that green car was seen in victory lane at tracks such as Flemington and Reading. His racing days came to an end when he had to choose between racing and farming. Sad to hear how his fame ended, but grateful he made the decision he did as it became my lifestyle growing up.
Years later, The Flyin’ Farmer, Wade Hendrickson, made his debut when his parents went to watch him one night only to realize just how good of a driver he was. Like my grandfather, he had a natural talent.
Fast forward a few years (or more) to when I come into the picture. It’s now 1996 and my mom is carrying me strapped to her chest, as an infant, running up the bleachers at East Windsor Speedway.
As I aged, my siblings and I were seen hanging on the fences surrounding the track at Bridgeport as the drivers started their engines and we waved at them as they took that first lap.
Next thing I know, I am in the engine shop with my pap, learning the ins and outs of building a Modified motor and traveling with him to Bridgeport week after week to help on the car.
As the time passed on, I ended up meeting one of my closest friends since age 15, Brett Kressley. He raced at Bridgeport with his dad, Brian but decided to switch from Bridgeport to Grandview. I followed, and his first night there, I got to watch him race at a new track and meet new people. Then, those people became friends of mine that have stuck by my side for years as well.
At Grandview, I was mostly a spectator and support system with no real ties to the track. I ended up moonlighting as a photographer in order to help start my own business and get some experience with sport photography.
Looking at the present, I had thought about maybe not being as involved in the racing scene so much, as I had just graduated from the Reading Police Academy and was starting my career as a law enforcement officer. That did not go as planned as a month after my graduation, I decided to enter into the Ms. Racing Xtravaganza Pageant. I had no hopes of winning, but finally wanted to be able to say “I did it! I completed a pageant without chickening out!”
To my surprise I won…in a green dress that everyone loved. Not only was this the confidence boost I needed, it also gave me a shove to pursue my dreams in the racing community.
Winning the title of Ms. Racing Xtravaganza 2018 is not only a way to put myself out there and meet some new people, but is a way to support the sport I’ve been a part of my entire life. It will also help me to get newer generations to see the love of racing as I do.
One of my goals this season is to learn about different types of racing besides Modifieds and travel to new and exciting tracks. There’s no way of knowing just what the future will hold for me, but one thing is for sure, it is definitely looking bright!