Mike Lichty Returning To ISMA In 2018

Story By: MATTHEW WIERNASZ / ISMA – INNERKIP, ONT – Mike Lichty will becoming back to race in the ISMA Supermodifieds in 2018.
The plan is for Lichty to contend for the title in ISMA in 2018. The series will kickoff their 2018 season at the Monadnock Speedway on Saturday, May 19 for a 75 lap race.
” Well first of all, we just want to put a big thanks out to the promoter (Larry Cirillo) and everybody involved at the (Monadnock) speedway for signing us on. I know everybody seems to be extremely excited on their end for us coming and same as on our end for us going there and opening the season up.”
Lichty does not have much knowledge of Monadnock. He has been talking to some modified drivers such as Rob Summers and those drivers believe that ISMA will put on a good show up there. Lichty believes the track will be extremely racy and have more than one groove with a lot of passing. ISMA has usually opened up the season at Oswego but he believes its nice to open up the season at a new track at Monadnock Speedway for the opener.
Lichty is hoping to come out of Monadnock with a good finish or even possibly a win, it would give him a little more confidence going into the rest of the races for the year. There will be $1,000 on the line during time trials where fans will be able to see ISMA Supermodifieds turn some of the fastest laps that they’ve ever seen at Monadnock Speedway.
The Monadnock Speedway NASCAR Whelen All American Series divisions will be apart of the program beginning at 6:00 p.m. Tickets for reserved seating will be $25 in advance and $30 at the gate. Tickets for general admission for adults will be $20 in advance and $25 at the gate. Seniors will be $15 and Kids 12 and under will be $5 at the gate. The rain date will be on Sunday, May 20 at 2:00 p.m..