Lancaster Speedway Announces 2018 Racer Registration

Story By: DAVE BUCHANAN / LANCASTER SPEEDWAY – LANCASTER, NY – It has often been said that it is sometimes better to be lucky than good in racing. With that in mind, Lancaster National Speedway & Dragway is going with a big dose of luck by holding Racer Registration on St. Patrick’s Day – Saturday, March 17.
Registration will be held at the same place as last year, Magruder’s Pub on Broadway in Depew, but this year it will be on a Saturday starting at 3 p.m. Car owners, drivers and crew members can register car numbers and memberships for the year. Forms will be available online in late January for anyone to download, print and fill out.
As discussed during the recent Stock Car meetings, all reserved pit pads for oval track teams are $100 each and there must be a registered car for that pad. Teams that had pit pads last year get first dibs on their pad(s) from last year, as long as there is registered car and car number to go with the respective pad. There will be no more renting a pad in someone’s name.
Deadline to renew Pit Pad rentals is March 17. Any unclaimed pads will be available after that date for a 2018 season rental.
There is no price or policy change for Dragway teams from last year in regards to pit spots. There will not be a price increase in registration fees for the Stock Car or Dragway teams, as well.
“The annual Racer’s Registration is a great way to kick off the season and everyone to get together” said Tim Packman, Track President. “After the winter, the temps begin to warm up and teams start getting antsy to go racing.
“By doing it on a Saturday this year, it will give people more time to get there and not be rushed after work on a Friday night. With it being St. Patrick’s Day, we’ll get everything wrapped up early afternoon freeing everyone up for the evening.
“This date was also chosen to give teams time to get back their tax returns and/or pay down their holiday Christmas debts before investing in the 2018 racing season.”
The 2018 Stock Car season kicks off on Saturday, April 21 with the Queen City Clash and the Dragway season on Friday, May 4 for the first night of IHRA points.